I want everyone to know that I am at a loss for words at the outpouring of support we have received over the last few days. Between the comments on the blog, the texts, and the dozens of e-mails, I am moved to tears thinking about the love you have for Elana. Don't think I don't realize that this all about Elana. On her worst day, Elana is kinder and sweeter than I could ever hope to be on my best day. This is not false humility. Anyone who knows me will tell you Elana is everything that I am not. All my friends like Elana more than me. My own parents, I am pretty sure love Elana more than me. Who would blame them. I know they would trade me and about 10 first round draft picks for her any day of the week.
I have received e-mails from people who I have never met, who know Elana from her pharmaceutical rep days. I have even received e-mails from friends of friends of Elana who maybe met her once or twice but remember how warm and caring she was to them however many years back it may have been when they met her.
I was not sure if I was going to do this, but I know Elana would want me to share this with you so you can be a part of this coma process in a way more than words will allow. I have attached a photo of her in the ICU unit from this afternoon after the doctors induced the coma. If your not comfortable with seeing someone, especially someone you know and care about, in this sort of condition, be comforted in the knowledge that she is receiving excellent care. She has no less than five different doctors here who are all involved in the coma trial. In addition there is a nurse stationed at a desk immediately outside her room (not to be confused with the nurses station) whose only responsibility is to monitor and make sure Elana is cared for.
Again, I want everyone to know that I have read each and everyone of the e-mails, posts and texts that you have sent. I just can't respond to them all so I am using the blog to respond to all of you to say thank you and please keep in touch. I'm am saving every message for Elana to read when we get home.