Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hurricanes & Ketamine

Elana and I have returned to Monterrey for another four day ketamine infusion with Dr. Cantu.  However, as any well mannered guest would know, it is impolite not to bring a gift when someone invites you to their home.  To that end, Elana and I decided to bring Hurricane Alex with us to Monterrey.  It has poured here non-stop for two days (we arrived yesterday afternoon (6/30/10).  The city of Monterrey is completely flooded and the dry river bed that bisects the city (Imagine if Dixie Highway was a dry river bed; I apologize for the Miami reference) is almost half way filled and is roaring like the Mississippi River.  Fortunately, all we are going to have to deal with is rain and a little wind.  We are not going to get it bad like those who were on the coast where the Hurricane hit.

As I write this, Elana is in the middle of her first infusion.  Obviously it is too early to tell how effective today's infusion will be and we really won't have a good gauge until we get back home to Miami next week.  I am confident that this will help her as the last two weeks have not been so great back at the ranch. Yet, Elana was able to power up and come to Jesse's 3rd birthday party.  I am still smiling from seeing her there watching her son enjoy his big day.  Elana has missed nearly every party, every school event and play date the last two years.  She is now just starting to attend some of these sort of functions, which most of us (including myself) take for granted.

I hesitate to say we have turned a corner.  I think the more appropriate metaphor is that we can see a corner up ahead but we are not sure exactly how far ahead the corner is.


  1. Love & prayers from az. I too hope this is the corner to turn!! Then you guys can escape hurricane season in beautiful 112 degree heat in az!!

    Once again Lance, you are amazing beyond words and I hope you take care of yourself as well!!

    Love Amy

  2. NYC loves you too!!! Every step we take is in the right direction. We hear the corner and love that you see it. Thank you for keeping us updated and thank you for being fabulous!


  3. Thanks for the update Lance. You and Elana are always in our thoughts. Please give her lots of hugs and kisses for me.


  4. Sending good thoughts your way. I know you guys will turn that corner soon enough. -Lori

  5. Thanks Lance for the blog, you are two very special people and I'm sending lots of love and prayers your way!

    Debbie Bernard
